- Feb 04 Sat 2012 11:58
- Nov 16 Wed 2011 19:06
紫微星, 最佛心~~
- Oct 21 Fri 2011 09:19
當笨人承認自己笨的時候, 他就變得不笨了.....
- Jul 23 Sat 2011 08:59
* In the short run, the market is a voting machine and sometimes people vote very unintelligently. In the long run, it's a weighing machine and the weight of business and how it does is what affects values over time.
* It's far better to buy a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at wa onderful price.
- Jun 08 Wed 2011 11:39
- May 25 Wed 2011 00:32
3035 說要買一萬張可是一張都沒買 這樣也行?
IC設計吹庫藏股風 智原決議買回1萬張 2011/03/23 19:35 鉅亨網 記者蔡宗憲 台北
IC設計智原 (3035) 今(23)日董事會決議執行庫藏股買回,預計將買回 1 萬張自家股票,
- May 23 Mon 2011 11:27
2908 差一個屋字差很多
- May 19 Thu 2011 13:34
- May 04 Wed 2011 22:43